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Silent Creed

Silent Creed - Alex Kava "While I'd recommend all of Alex Kava's books, if you lack time to read her entire backlist, the Ryder Creed series is the most recent. Only two books so far have been published, with a third set for early 2016.

We first met Ryder Creed in Stranded, the ""last"" book in the Maggie O'Dell series. But Maggie's still alive and kicking so fear not. Silent Creed references Exposed, but while it may be beneficial to catch up on Maggie's books, you should still be able to keep up with the Creed ones without the backlist.

Ah, the military - they can be shady as hell, even to their own. While Senator Ellie Delanor is fighting to get medical benefits for veterans exposed to pathogens, Creed and Maggie are trying to recover bodies and a medical research facility from the debris of a landslide.

As for the dogs, Grace is again the star, but with a good showing from Bolo, too. Young veteran Jason Seaver was a worry early on in the book, but a new dog friend could be his reason to live.

Fans of thrillers and dogs alike will find Alex Kava's combination a winner. The story trots along, and never outstays its welcome. Another great read in this author's arsenal."